Welcome to the family, Elowyn!

Y'all have probably noticed that I haven't written anything in like, a whole year.  I haven't abandoned Broad and Hill - I just had to take a break, but for a good reason!  I was pregnant with baby number three!

While that is super exciting news, the bad part is that I have AWFUL pregnancies.  I am super sick pretty much the whole time, its not the most conducive situation to blogging... or cooking, or eating, or doing much of anything that isn't laying in bed in a dark cool room waiting for 40 weeks to go by.

The good part is that our baby is perfect and wonderful and we all adore her (duh). Here is she is folks, meet our baby girl, Elowyn Elizabeth.  Born September 1st, 2016.  Pretty cute, huh?

Now that we've had some time to settle back in as a family, I've been getting my feet back under me and have some exciting stuff coming for the holiday season to share with you!!