Katie and Clay's Baby Shower: A Chic Black-and-Gold Picnic

I think the most important thing I have learned as a hostess over the years is that when you are throwing a party to celebrate something or someone, you have to first put yourself aside.  The first thing you need to ask yourself is what would they want?  What do they enjoy? What are their favorite colors, favorite foods, favorite activities?  What things illustrate their personas?  And most importantly, what do they NOT like? 

Those things seem like givens, but its not always easy to put your preferences aside when you are the one throwing the party.  Maybe you would love an over-the-top, all-girls, silly games baby shower.  But also, you might be the friend who hates being the center of attention and feels uncomfortable.

So when I was planning Katie's shower, I immediately started picturing an environment where Katie seemed the most like herself: a casual setting, outside, sun shining, shoes kicked off, chatting with Clay and Aaron, watching the dogs play.  That's Katie.  I wanted her shower to be all of those things, to feel just like that for everyone who came.

That's how I decided we would have a couples shower, in the backyard, with lights, and picnic tables, and dogs and kids, and casual food.  But Katie is also one of the most casually classy people I know - so this was not going to be a backyard BBQ with someone flipping burgers either. 

Finally, she doesn't like being the center of attention - I remember her asking me if she hadto open gifts in front of everyone.  While, unfortunately, I told her yes (you can't deprive future grandparents and aunts and uncles the fun of a little oohing and aahing) but that we didn't have to play any games if she didn't want to.  She could just be herself and enjoy visiting with all the people who love her and Clay and wanted to come celebrate them and their new baby.

It all came together just as I had pictured.  We all had the most fantastic time and it was so fun to see Clay and Aaron with all their high school friends and their children and families.  What a way to celebrate a new member of such a wonderful extended family.

The invitations

I wanted to invite to convey all of the things that I felt Katie is - casual, classy, modern.  I also wanted to make it clear that it wasn't going to be a typical baby shower: we were going to throw it at night (6 PM) and with a more adult color scheme and vibe.  A lot of people we were inviting were coming in from out of town so I wanted to make sure they could come and maximize their time with Clay and Katie, so a two hour event mid-day didn't seem to fit the bill.  In fact, the last guest left out house at nearly 1 AM.

When I saw these they screamed Katie.  They are all the things I had pictured: modern and classy, but fun.  I loved that the colors (black and gold) seemed adult and cocktail party-like.  I love the shimmer of the gold foil pressing.  So it was a no-brainer to pair these minted.com invites with some fancy gold envelopes from Paper Source. 

The liner is my favorite part.  I loved that it brought just a little touch of fun colors to the classic black and gold.  Teal is Katie's favorite color, it evokes the thoughts of a baby boy (instead of powder blue) and the purple is regal, festive and feminine (we are celebrating Katie too!).

Decor & Activities

As I said earlier, we decided to forgo baby shower games for this party.  Lots of people were coming in from Houston and even further so I wanted to make sure they could all maximize catching up and socializing.  So I decided to go with easy things for people to do besides eat: there was cornhole, a fire pit, picnic tables, and the football game got put on inside (it is football season in Texas after all).

Aaron strung lights around the whole yard, we put out Adirondack chairs and the hammock.  I used our huge, rustic wooden dining room table out on the porch for a classy, but casual feel.  I folded a big piece of black and white gingham into a table runner.  All the accent decor (cups, plates, banner, tissue poofs, etc) were all strictly gold, white and black. Finally, we set up the guests of honor in some Adirondack chairs out on the lawn to open their gifts.

The Menu

Now this is where your guests preferences really have to come before yours, especially with a baby shower. There is nothing like the way a pregnant woman feels about food - even if she isn't having insane cravings for things, she is probably having some severe aversions to things.  Always make sure you know!

For this menu I made variations of the couples favorite casual foods.  Katie had been craving chicken salad, butter-anything, hamburgers, pimento cheese, banana pudding, and ice cream.  Clay loves BBQ, pulled pork tacos, lemon bars, and key lime pie.  Doing all of those things would have been quite an undertaking so I made combinations and alterations as I could to try to hit all the marks.

We ended up with Smoked Pulled Pork Sliders with Sweet and Spicy Sauce on King's Hawaiian Rolls with a tangy Coleslaw, Chicken Salad Sandwiches on Butter Croissants, NY Deli-Style Macaroni Salad, Chips and Dip (a ranch dip and whipped Pimento Cheese).  For dessert I made Lemon-Blueberry Shortbread Bars, Key Lime Bars and Banana Pudding Ice Cream Sandwiches.

Alice's Baby Shower: Looking Back

Next Saturday I am throwing another baby shower, this time for one of my very best friends, Katie.  Her husband, Clay, has been friends with my husband, Aaron, since they were in high school (so like 20 years ago haha).  Katie and I hit it off the moment we met when Aaron and I started dating - and the rest is history.  As I write this, her sweet baby boy (dog-baby) Jackson, is snoozing with my three pups on the bed (how is there even room for me?).

In any case, I am so excited about showering Clay and Katie on Saturday and it has me thinking back to last summer when I showered my friend Alice, who was expecting her first baby girl, Betsy, just ten days after I was expecting our sweet Hondo.

Alice is as southern-girl as they come.  She couldn't have been more perfect to have a baby girl and the matching sweet southern, pink shower to celebrate her.  So from the get-go with Alice, there was no question that pink would be front and center, right along with bows, and frills, and sparkles and anything cute.

The Invitations

After scouring for hours, and changing my mind 15 times, I finally chose this adorable "Mommy to Bee" invitation from Minted.com.  The hardest part with this shower was choosing a theme, besides pink.  Chanel and I had considered a "Cute as a Button" theme, a "Twinkle Twinkle" theme ( so. much. glitter.), the list goes on.  In any case, we just kept coming back to this invitation.  The colors seemed so perfect for Alice and Betsy.  They were girly and soft, but popped with that navy accent.  Very girly and traditional, but a little modern. It just fit. 

To keep the whimsical, girly feel that we liked about the invite so much, we chose a mint envelope from The Paper Source, lined it with a sweet polka dot paper, and then dressed up the labels with perfectly coordinated washi tape.

The Activities

Baby showers can be really hard, I will be honest.  I am not a huge fan of the kitschy games that make everyone feel kind of awkward (I'm looking at you, Mystery-Poop-Diaper Game Inventor). At a party like a baby or bridal shower, its likely that not everyone knows each other, they just all know the guest of honor.  So games that require everyone to really let their inhibitions down and do something extremely silly can be rough for people who air on the side of awkward (like me). 

My goal with the games for Alice's shower were to be things that people could 1) enjoy without all the attention on them, 2) might produce something for the momma-to-be to keep, and 3) were short, but funny.

What we came up with was a due date calendar, Pin-the-bow on the Baby Alice, and Baby Price is Right.  I even was able to order these cute customized signs from Minted!

The Due Date Calendar was simple to put together: we got a pretty wall calendar from Paper Source, a set of pink pens (different shades) and set it up on the wall.  Each guest was asked to sign their name and write a message to Alice on the date they predicted Besty would arrive.  This game checked all my boxes!  Each guest could do it on their own, it functioned as a guest book and a gift for Alice (she got a whole calendar), and only took each person a minute.

Pin the Bow on the Baby Alice was also easy to prep and easy to do.  I had Alice's mom send me a baby photo of Alice, then I emailed the image to my local Staples and had them produce a black and white 2' x 3' engineering print for 5 dollars! I hung it on the wall with it corresponding sign, and then hung a baggie full of tiny bows with adhesive (they were from the scrap-booking section at Joann Fabrics) next to the poster. There was no spinning and blind-folding to be completely transparent.  If your friends are game, I'm sure it would have been cute, but all of our guests just happily decorated baby Alice with adorable bows and Alice got to take it home.

Finally, while we were all eating, I passed out the custom cards I had made for our Price is Right game with some pens.  We uploaded a slideshow of all the items to my TV (don't ask me how I hooked up my laptop - I called my brother and he talked me through it) and everyone made their guesses while we ate and chatted and tallied up their guesses.  As always with the Price is Right, the winner was the one who was closest without going over.

The Menu & Decor

I had envisioned a beautiful outdoor brunch on the back porch at wood tables with pink and white table runners, but the reality was it was July in Central Texas so it was actually 105 degrees outside and no one wanted any part of that.  So we served the food buffet style on the kitchen island, and added extra seating to the family room for people to be comfortable, play the games and let Alice open gifts.

I was able to stick to my menu though, despite the awful heat.  When I do a party that is celebrating someone specific like this, I try and design the menu around their favorite foods and then tailor them to the occasion and theme.  Since the party was a southern brunch, Alice's favorite foods were easy to incorporate.  I am about to let you all in on the crazy that is how I organize for a party - below is a menu snapshot from my Excel spreadsheet. 

My spreadsheets for any given party have three tabs: guests, menu, and decor and to-do.  On the Guests tab, I have each guests name, address, RSVP (# attending), and then a column for their gift. At the bottom of the RSVP list, it tallies the total number of guests I am expecting and then when the party is over I can send the sheet along with the guest of honor so they have address and gifts written down to make Thank You Notes easier.  Then the Menu Tab has a column for each food item I am going to make, the ingredients I need to purchase for that item, and then a servings cell, so I know how much to make.

To make this brunch quintessentially southern, I chose to make mini fried chicken and waffles, mini biscuits served with jam or white pepper gravy, spinach feta crescent rolls, a caprese salad, pimento cheese deviled eggs, and fruit salad.  For desert I made trifle parfait cups, lemon and raspberry sorbet, and pink ombre Italian Rainbow cookies.  As of right now, I haven't written posts and recipes for all of the things I made, but I promise I will as opportunities arise to make them!  It's most likely that those Rainbow Cookies will appear again soon, everyone always asks for them. 

Finally, the decor.  I went simple and pretty for this.  Shades of pink and white tissue blooms on the ceilings in the kitchen and family room.  Pink crinkle table confetti strewn among the serving platters and gold glitter stars atop the toothpicks in the chicken and waffles.